CaleBasseCookers *** Opening

Food is an essential part of African cultures, nurturing the Pan African Ubuntu philosophy: “I am because we are”. Up to today, it is not only an existential element of shared time and space, but also of taste and knowledge. It tells a lot about our families, the building and bridging of our cultures on the soils we came from, the soils we cultivate. Food is the bass to which the beginning series “CalebasseCookers” is moving. In it, the curator Akayovu (Arlette-Louise Ndakoze) joins Frank Anyangbe’s Pan Africa restaurant, to stipple the sauce to the pounded yams, made of voices of the soul, colours of the invisible, and visions of tomorrow.nnThe series starts with a vernissage by painter and sculptress Michelle Nze from Gabun and Cameroon. Her works express the cycle of life, the connection between birth, life and death. In and through them, Michelle Nze builds up a relationship between our world and the metaphysical world of our ancestors, who provide us with strength, give us advice, convey comfort, and who we owe absolute respect. nnSince the late 1990s, Michelle Nze has exhibited in various African and European countries. Her art has been recognised through a purchase by the German parliament in 2003 as the first artist from African descent. Later on, the Gabunese parliament purchased numerous of her works in 2009 and 2010, as well as the First Lady of Gabun in 2011. Alongside her contributions for the Berlin Buddy Bear in 2002 and 2017, her engagement has been encouraged through the Nelson Mandela price of the Nelson Mandela Children Fund, which she was granted in 2000, at the world exhibition in Hannover. nnFor the opening of Calebasse Cookers, Michelle Nze will exhibit longstanding and newly created artworks.
Saturday, September 7, 2019 at 5 PM – 9 PM
Pan Africa – Kirchhofstr. 41, 12055 Berlin

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