Cooperation: « The Lion’s Point of View » Screens at Solidarity Event in Support of the Refugee « Freedom of Movement » Protests in Bremen, 11.1.2013
On Friday, 11th of January 2013, from 9 pm, a solidarity event will be organised in Bremen in support of the "Freedom of Movement" protest by refugee groups. „The Lion’s Point of View“ – decidedly Pan-African, deliberately subjective and revolutionary documentary by Didier Awadi (Original with german subtitles) will be screened with the support of AfricAvenir at "Die Friese" followed by a party.nDie Friese, Friesenstrasse 124, Bremen
Film: „The Lion’s Point of View“ – decidedly Pan-African, deliberately
subjective and revolutionary documentary by Didier Awadi (Original with
german subtitles) 8description see above)
Music: house/techhouse/deephouse, poptrashelektro, 80er/90er
Entrance: 3 to 10 Euro
During the past months refugees from various countries have united to protest the inhumane living conditions of refugees and undocumented immigrants In Berlin their protests continue in spite of adverse conditions and strict regulations (e.g. the prohibition of sleeping bags by police).nThe refugees primary demands are:n
- The recognition of all asylum seekers as political refugees.
- The cessation of all deportations.
- The abolition of residential obligation laws („Residenzpflicht“) prohibiting asylum seekers from leaving assigned residential districts as this severly restricts their freedom of movement.
- The abolition of laws prohibiting asylum seekers from choosing their district of residence themselves („Lagerpflicht“). Some are even forced
- to live together in group housing.
nWe wish to show our solidarity with asylum seekers in the struggle for independence and security as well as in the fight against racism and the systematic oppression of asylum seekers and refugees!nA current example of racism in Bremen. The city government plans to create new housing projects for asylum seekers in the spring of 2013. Intended locations include the Ostertor neighbourhood, which has a reputation of tolerance, as well as a possible further location in Schwachhausen. Public discussion and media coverage on the topic is charged with racial sentiments and bias.
Therefore it is here in Bremen as well that refugees and asylum seekers struggle against racist repression and are fighting for secure and permanent residency. They are supported by various individuals and groups. However, this type of support has its financial costs: visits to the doctor (that are not covered by-primary health care), fees for official documents, translations, legal counsil, psychological and/or therapeutic supervision and much more.nTo help offset these costs we cordially invite you to a party supporting the anti-racist cause on the evening of the 11th of January 2013!
“50 years of independence. They promised us happiness and prosperity. Nowadays young Africans climb into simple wooden boats, they cross the desert and the sea towards Eldorado.” Why? What are the deeper reasons? And how could it come this far? These were the starting questions from director and hip hop star Didier Awadi. For several years he interviewed ex-presidents and ministers, important UN officials, writers, artists, historians, activists and lay migrants and refugees: 44 people who analyse the situation of their continent and they do not mince matters! The result is a decidedly Pan-African, deliberately subjective and revolutionary documentary whose power of impact leaves little to be desired.nAgainst the background of blatant racism the debates surrounding “illegal immigration” and the consequent questions over security are becoming more and more omnipresent in the West. Meanwhile Africans, those mainly affected by this discriminatory practice, hardly react. However, Didier Awadi, did not want to keep quiet.
"Technically speaking this is no Spielberg or Spike Lee film. Our goal is to bring across a pan-African message. Don’t expect any naive objectivity. Our intention is purely subjective. Our purpose is revolutionary. We stand by this.” Didier Awadi
“African policies are determined from the outside, not by Africans themselves. They should be allowed to express what they think about current policies, colonisation, de-colonisation, foreign military bases on their territory, the colonial currency still used today, questions about migration. We welcome the whole world here, but nobody wants to welcome us anywhere. It is a hypocrisy that we must name, shame and fight against.” Didier Awadi in conversation with Olivier Barlet, Africultures
Didier Awadi, rapper, DJ and musician born in Dakar in 1969, is one of
the pioneers of the hip hop movement in Senegal and West Africa. After
his first group, Didier Awadi’s Syndicate, he founded in 1989 together
with Amadou Barry, alias Doug-E-Tee, PBS (Positive Black Soul) and
released the album Boul faalé in 1994 with worldwide success. In his
three solo albums Kaddu gor (2001), Un autre monde est possible (2005)
and Sunugaal (2006) as well as his latest project Président d´Afrique
(2010), he reflects on pan-Africanism, advocates greater humanity in
international politics and commemorates formative personalities of
independent Africa.
The Lion’s Point of View
Director: Didier Awadi
With Abdou Diouf, Amadou Moctar Mbow, Cheikh Hamidou Kane, Aminata
Traoré, Téophile Obenga, Amady Aly Dieng, Taoufik Ben Abdalah, Tiken
Jah Fakoly, Moussa Dembélé, and many more
SN 2011, OmU
Distribution by Africavenir, contact: gro.rinevacirfa@ofni