Crowdfunding: First Comprehensive German Publication on Thomas Sankara
The time has finally come! With your support the first comprehensive publication in German language about Thomas Sankara will become reality in 2015!nnThomas Sankara was a luminous figure of postcolonial African politics.
As the president of Burkina Faso (former Upper Volter) from 1983 to 1987, he powerfully stirred up the international political scene with his revolutionary thoughts and actions, his keen and unfrightened speeches and his tireless commitment for real independence for his country as well as for his continent and the entire Global South.nWithin his four-year term as president almost unconceivable successes could be reached in regards to fighting corruption, health, food sovereignty, women’s emancipation, environment protection etc. Prosperity and independence for the Burkinabè people seemed possible. nBut his projects and actions also made him many enemies, leading to his brutal murder on 15th October 1987 through an international complot under the leadership of one of his closest confidants, Blaise Compaoré.nFor the next 27 years, Compaoré seated himself as the head of state and ran down the Burkina Faso economy with his catastrophic politics. On 30th October 2014, the Burkinabè finally put an end to Compaoré’s regency in a people’s uprising.nIndeed, Thomas Sankara is dead, but his ideas keep on living! There are quantities of materials (speeches, interviews etc.) which are mostly only available in French.
Africavenir has thus decided to publish the first comprehensive publication about Thomas Sankara in German.nThis publication must be financed: Translation, Typesetting, Layout, Print – this all costs money! This is why Africavenir has started a Crowdfunding-campaign. Recruiting 50 fans was easy. Now, it is about collecting 5.000 Euro in contribution to support the project through donations or rather pre-orders of the book. Therefore Africavenir needs your support!nAnd this is how it works: Register on, choose an amount of support and a thank-you or choose a desired amount and follow the instructions. Important: if the total needed amount cannot be collected, the project will not be carried out (this would be a terrible pity). All donations would in this case be completely returned to the donors.
Next to the financial jump start, Africavenir needs publicity in order to put its project of the heart into practice: talk about the project, write about it, send mails and post it on social media sides, invite your family, friends, colleagues to help Africavenir make the publication become reality!
A big thank you for the preparation of the pitch-videos: Sarah Pöhlmann, Jirka Schaar, Caspar Fischer aund Gerald Slovak.