Namibian Film Screening « A Country for My Daughter », 8 May 2013,7pm at the Windhoek Theatre School

To stand up against Gender Based Violence, AfricAvenir and Sister Namibia  present the South African film "A Country for My Daughter" to a Namibian audience on Wednesday, 8 May 2013, 7 p.m. at the Windhoek Theatre School, Robert Mugabe Ave. "A Country For My Daughter", directed by Lucilla Blankenberg and produced by Janine Tilley, highlights the gap between South Africa’s good legislation and the real experiences of women living in the country. This film can easily be transferred to the realities in Namibia. The most recent media reports are proof to this claim.nThe screening of the film will be followed by a panel discussion with women rights activists and advocates for a GBV free society.nAbout the filmnA Country for My Daughter follows Nonkosi Khumalo, a woman who imagines a safer country for her daughter and for all women in South Africa in light of her own personal experience with domestic violence and the legal system. After a fruitless attempt to report her abuse, passed off as “common assault” by the justice system, Khumalo investigates the struggle many women face when attempting to report domestic and sexual abuse in South Africa.nNonkosi is the chairperson of the Treatment Action Campaign and mother of a little girl called Owethu. She is also dedicated to the struggle for equality in South Africa, especially for women.nIn "A Country For My Daughter" Nonkosi travels around the country investigating the stories of brave women whose court cases have transformed the law in South Africa for the better. The cases range from rape within a family to holding the Minister of Safety and Security liable, in cases where police were involved in violence against women. Through these stories, Nonkosi learns of the laws available to protect South African women and how they can be used.nIn a country where many sexual assaults go unreported, the struggle must extend beyond the courtroom and into communities. Nonkosi visits Khayelitsha, where social mobilization brought justice to Nandipha Makeke’s family by prompting the arrest and prosecution of those who had raped and killed her.nAbout the filmmakernLucilla Blankenberg has always wanted to tell stories and found documentary film to be her ideal medium. As a member of Idol Pictures she made several films about aspects of South African society. Lucilla is now Deputy-Director of a non-profit organisation specialising in media, outreach and training, called Community Media Trust (CMT). She is also the director of Siyayinqoba Beat It!, the weekly educational TV show which is produced by CMT and broadcast on SABC 1.nLucilla is committed to the reduction of gender-based violence in South Africa and uses her films as a vehicle to highlight this. A Country For My Daughter is dedicated to all women in South Africa and to their future.n""A Country for My Daughter” remains a thoughtful and inspiring documentary, one that instills in its audience a drive to rise against such injustices and the hope to do so." Mambo Magazine, ZimbabwennDate: Wednesday, 8 May 2013
Time: 7 p.m.
Entrance: 10,- N$
Venue: Windhoek Theatre School, Robert Mugabe Avenue
n The screening is presented in partnership with and Copyright: AfricAvenir & Sister Namibia 2013n

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