Sustainability and politics: experiences from Mozambique
Discussion paper by Rozenn N. Diallo, Montreal UniversitynThe increasing scarcity of natural resources tightly bonds together the very ideas of sustainability and ecological concerns. As a matter of fact, sustainability and biodiversity conservation are today on everybody and every international organisations’ mouths. A sort of commonly-shared ecological sensibility seems to be self-evident: it has become…
Nachhaltige Entwicklung in einer ungleichen Welt? Bericht zur Podiumsdiskussion mit Mariam Sow und Aziz Fall
Blogeintrag auf zebralogs zur Podiumsdiskussion "Nachhaltige Entwicklung in einer Welt der Ungleichheiten?" mit Mariam Sow, Aziz Fall und Helge Swars am 19. Oktober in Berlinn 23.10.2015n"Zur Überwindung der Armut gibt es viele Konzepte und Strategien. Selten jedoch werden die gegensätzlichen Positionen von afrikanischen und westlichen Akteuren der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit so deutlich wie auf einer vor kurzem…
Pambazuka News: UN Millennium Development Goals replaced by new ‘distraction gimmicks’
by Patrick Bond, 2015-09-30n The ubiquitous ‘development goals’ chosen by the United Nations – first Millennium (MDGs) in 2000 and now Sustainable (SDGs) – were and are and will be a distraction from the real work of fighting poverty done by social justice activists, including Africans.nRead here full article
PM: Keine Amnestie für die Putschisten in Burkina Faso! Solidarität mit dem Volk Burkina Fasos!
Berlin, 21.09.2015. Nach dem Sturz des Präsidenten Blaise Compaoré vor einem Jahr sollten am 11. Oktober 2015 erstmals nach 27 Jahren in Burkina Faso freie Wahlen stattfinden. nNur drei Wochen vor der Wahl hat die Präsidentengarde RSP am 16. September 2015 durch einen putsch die Macht an sich gerissen. Die 1.200 Mann starke RSP war…
Aufruf zur Solidarität mit dem Volk von Burkina Faso
Berlin und München, 17.09.2015. Mit Entsetzen müssen wir mit ansehen, wie die legitime Übergangsregierung Burkina Fasos in Geiselhaft genommen und schließlich von einer international bekannten Verbrecherbande abgesetzt und abgelöst wird.Die burkinische Präsidentengarde RSP, 1.300 bis an die Zähne bewaffnete Militärs, greift in die demokratischen Bestrebungen eines Landes ein, dessen Volk vor fast genau einem Jahr…
The Problem with Saving the world
An article written by Jason Hickel published on 8th August 2015 evaluating that "the UN’s new Sustainable Development Goals aim to save the world without transforming it.nRight now global production and consumption levels are overshooting our planet’s capacity by about 50 percent each year. This is a monumental crisis, and one that proceeds from the…
Fit for Whose Purpose? Responsibility or the role of state and private sector in development cooperation
by Barbara Adams and Gretchen Luchsinger, Global Policy Watch #8, 27 July 2015nDebates around the Post-2015 Agenda many times circle, directly or otherwise, around the role of the state, with some camps continuing to promote its central responsibility. Others call for more room for “stakeholders” to be responsible—notably, the private sector. For a look at…
An Alternative Global Economic Order: Can it ever be achieved?
Published on August 5, 2015 by Tafadzwa Muropa on femnet.wordpress.com. As a member of FEMNET, Tafadzwa Muropa participated in the Global Women’s Forum and Global CSO Forum from the 10th-12th of July 2015, in Addis Ababa in order to consolidate the women’s position and CSO position before the official FFD conference was to be held.…
Finance Her Future: Gender Responsive Budgeting
Published on August 4, 2015 by Nyaguthii Wangui Maina on femnet.wordpress.com. During the Third International Conference on Financing for Development, the need for gender responsive tax and budgeting were being discussed, as well as the fact that more money is required for women’s mobilization groups, especially those working at the grassroots level. However, what is…
Have Germans Finally Acknowledged Their Extermination Wars Against The Herero, Nama, San And Damara As Genocide?
For a long time, successive German governments have sought to avoid taking responsibility for the genocide of the Herero and Nama of South-West Africa, now Namibia, in 1904-1908. We have in previous articles examined the various untenable arguments that were advanced by German governments to reject this historic cruelty and responsibility. (1)nThe attempt to deny…