“Aid is War on Africa” – Video interview with Yash Tandon

In September 2015, Yash Tandon presented his latest book « Trade is war » in Berlin. On this occasion, AfricAvenir organised a dialogue forum with him on the Post-2015 Development Agenda. Interviewed on this occasion, Tandon forcefully claims that free trade and development aid have been instruments of (Western) capitalism in its « war » against the South and have left the African continent wretched although still resisting. Tandon emphasizes that we cannot speak of the failure of the aid system and hence do not need to reform it. On the contrary, the aid system has been highly successful in opening economies to (neo)liberal trade and exploitation.nnYash Tandon is a Ugandan policymaker, political activist, and academic. He is the author of numerous books and an Honorary Professor at Warwick and London Middlesex Universities in the UK. He is the Founder-Chairman of SEATINI (Southern and Eastern African Trade Information and Negotiations Institute), and former Executive Director of the South Centre, a think tank of the Global South.nThe interview was conducted by Nicolai Röschert and filmed by Céline Dupeux as part of the project "Post 2015 – Everything better? African Perspectives on Global Challenges!", organized by AfricAvenir e.V. in 2014/2015.nIn cooperation with the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation and with the friendly support of the Landesstelle für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit and Engagement Global.


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