Dialogue Forum & Workshop: The Topicality of the anti-colonial Struggle of the ‚Mau Mau’ Movement

On Thursday 7 October 2010 at 7 p.m. AfricAvenir invites to one of the highlights of this year’s dialogue at August-Bebel-Institute in Berlin. Guests are representatives of the Kenya Human Rights Commission and the Speaker of the Association of Mau Mau Veterans, Gitu wa Kahengeri. Already in 1952, the Kenya Land and Freedom Army (KLFA) (termed “Mau Mau” by the British in view of undermining their legitimacy) launched an armed struggle of resistance against the British colonizers. The British colonial government reacted with massive military repression and unseen brutality, which lead to the killing of 25.000 Kenyans – compared to less than 100 White settlers. Caroline Elkins has therefore speaks of the “British Gulag”, which has been kept silent until today. Due to their contact to the press, the British were able to create a still very persistent picture of KLFA as a “terrorist and bloodthirsty organisation”.

The dialogue forum discusses the socio-political visions of the KLFA movement and of its armed struggle with a focus on the gender perspective. In addition to this, it also will tackle the legal court case against the British through which the Veterans are demanding compensation for human rights abuses carried out by the colonial administration.nA One-Day-Workshop will be conducted on Saturday 9 October from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in view of deepen the discussion of these topics. In the workshop we will also talk about the colonial legacy in Kenya and the continued discrimination and stigmatisation of Mau Mau Veterans after formal independence. As member of the Kenya Human Rights Commission, which is supporting the legal court case, George Morara will be able to give topical insights into the struggle for recognition and compensation.nGitu wa Kahengeri was detained in the 1950s for his participation in the Mau Mau movement. Today, he ist he spoekesperson of the Association of Mau Mau Veterans.

Margaret Wangui Gachihi has taught at the University of Nairobi and specialises on Gender and Mau Mau.

George Morara Monyoncho is member of the Kenya Human Rights Commission, which is supporting the legal case for compensation of the Mau Mau Veterans against the British Government.

Dialogforum & Workshop with Gitu wa Kahengeri, Margaret Wangui Gachihi & George Morara Monyoncho

Thursday, 7 October 2010
7 p.m.

Free entrance
in English with simultaneous translation into German.

Saturday, 9 October 2010
10-17 h

10 € please register
in English


Müllerstraße 163
13353 Berlin
S 41/42
U6 Wedding

In Cooperation with August-Bebel-Institut and Le Monde Diplomatique.

Financially supported by InWEnt by means of the BMZ, by Stiftung „Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft“, Evangelischen Entwicklungsdienst (EED) and Landesstelle für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit.


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