African Perspectives: „Indigènes – Days of Glory“, Sat 31. July 2010, 19h

In the framework of the monthly filmseries “African Perspectives”, AfricAvenir Windhoek presents the movie “Indigenes – Days of Glory” by Rachid Bouchareb, on Saturday, 31st July 2010 at 19h at studio 77. Entrance: 20 Nam $.nThis film is presented in cooperation with Studio 77, Bank Windhoek Arts Festival, Hendrik Ehlers Consulting, the FNCC, and Pro Helvetia Cape Town.

About the film
Although Indigenes deals primarily with events that happened sixty-five years ago, Rachid Bouchareb’s film is in every sense a sign of the times. By highlighting the role played by North African colonial troops in the liberation of France during World War II, the film Indigenes capitalizes upon and helped to influence major public debates within France about the nation’s colonial past and contemporary postcolonial immigrant minorities.nFrance has in recent years been the site of public debates of unprecedented intensity about the nation’s colonial past. The resonance of these debates has been exemplified with unique force by the extraordinary impact of Bouchareb’s film Indigenes. Winner of the Best Male Actor award at the 2006 Cannes film festival, nominated for a 2007 Oscar in the best Foreign Film category, and credited with triggering a long overdue change of French government policy, Indigenes brought for the first time to the attention of the general public in France the role played by colonial troops in the liberation of the country more than half a century earlier. nThe film also draws attention to a long-standing injustice whereby ex-servicemen in the former colonies had been receiving pensions worth only a fraction of those paid to veterans in France.n“Indigenes – Days of Glory”
By Rachid Bouchareb, 2006, Algeria/Morocco/Belgium/France, 128 min, Orig. with Engl. SubtitlesDate: 31. July 2010
Time: 19h00
Venue: Studio 77, Old Breweries Complex, entrance via Garten Str.
Entrance: 20,- N$
Special Guest: H.E. Ambassador of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria


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