AfricAvenir at BUKO 35: Book presentation „50 years of African In-Dependences“, SAT, 11 May 2013, 17h00, Eine Welt Haus, Munich

On Saturday, 11 May 2013 at 17h00 AfricAvenir presents its publication „50 Years of African In-dependence – A (Self-) Critical Evaluation” (E-Book) in the framework of BUKO 35 in Munich in a reading with actress Sheri Hagen and Judith Strohm (AfricAvenir). The lecture takes place at Eine Welt Haus, Schwanthalerstraße 80, 80336 München, room Die Linke.nThe Berlin based group AfricAvenir International E.V. will present the publication (e-book) "50 years African Independence – A (self)critical Review". Various African intellectuals, activists and writers contributed to this anthology, taking stock from their specific perspective. The result is a varied and thought-provoking book, providing for the first time the current debates on in-dependence and decolonisation to a German reading audience. Academic articles, historical speeches, poems and song lyrics – the book offers diversified and critical approaches to the political, economic and cultural aspects, all from an African perspective, which span the whole continent from South Africa to Algeria, from Senegal to Kenya. The book launch is held by Sheri Hagen, actress, and Judith Strohm, board of directors of AfricAvenir International e.V. The audience is invited to an open discussion. nThe second edition of this successful publication was published at the beginning of January 2013 in the volume of the federal agency for civic education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung) in an edition of 1500 pieces, but was out of stock after less than 3 months. Currently, it is available as E-Book (PDF on CD) directly over AfricAvenir for the price of only 4, 50 € (plus postage and packaging. Order to: gro.rinevacirfa@ofni nSpeakers: Sheri Hagen (actress) and Judith Strohm (Member of board AfricAvenir International e.V.)nThe event takes place in cooperation with AK Panafrikanismus.nThe event is financially supported by Stiftung Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft.


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