AfricAvenir Windhoek Announces New Season for „Inspiring Young Imaginations“ – African Films for Children and Youth Screenings from February 2015

In 2015 AfricAvenir and FNCC will continue screening African films for children within the “Inspiring Young Imaginations” series. The first movie of the year will be "Zambezia", which will be screened on 07 February. Thereafter we will present an African movie for children on every first Saturday of the month. nThe films will start at 10h00 in the Cinema of the FNCC. The entrance is N$ 5 for youths and N$ 15 for adults.nPlease join into the fun.nSee the project page here: Inspiring Young ImaginationsnFor more information email or call:
AfricAvenir: Claudia Van Houtum-Nakuta, moc.liamtoh@mutuoh_nav_c, 081 462 4541
FNCC Multimedia Library: Nicolas Ronde, an.gro.ccnf@yrarbil, 081 801 7947 – 061 387 334


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