BE.BOP 2013: Screening of “Cuba: An African Odyssey” by Jihan El Tahri, SUN, 19 May 2013, 12h00, Hackesche Höfe Kino, Berlin

On Sunday, 19 May 2013 at 12h00, AfricAvenir, Art Labour Archives and Ballhaus Naunynstraße invite you to the screening of the multiple award winning documentary “Cuba: An African Odysee” by acclaimed Egyptian filmmaker Jihan El Tahri at Hackesche Höfe Kino. From Che Guevara’s tragicomic epic in the Congo up to the triumph of the “Battle of Cuito Cuanavale” in Angola, El Tahri´s film tells the story of Cuba’s central role in the revolutionary struggles on the African continent.nSynopsis
Behind the so-called “Cold” War, four adversaries with conflicting interests face off on the African continent: the Soviets want to expand their influence, the United States intend to appropriate the continent’s natural riches, the former European empires seek to revive their shaky colonial power, and the young African nations defend their newly-won independence. African revolutionaries like Patrice Lumumba, Amilcar Cabral and Agostinho Neto call on Cuban guerrillas to help them in their struggle. From Che Guevara’s tragicomic epic in the Congo up to the triumph of the “Battle of Cuito Cuanavale” in Angola, this film tells the story of Cuba’s central role in the revolutionary struggles on the African continent.nJihan El Thari is an Egyptian-born, French filmmaker, author and news correspondent. She has authored, directed and produced award-winning documentary films, authored books and reported on political conflicts in the Middle East and Africa. Jihan is a Member of the Executive Bureau of FEPACI (Federation of Pan-African Cinema) and Secretary General of The Guilde of African filmakers in the Diaspora. She holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science and a Master of Arts Degree in Political Science, both from the American University in Cairo. An African Odyssey
Jihan El Tahri, 2007, 118 min
nDay Ticket: 16 €
Single Ticket for each of the 4 Sessions/Films: 7,50 €

Discount via Berlinpass, Gildepass, Heavy User Card, Filmreihe-Pass (Further information:

Tickets and Information
030 283 46 03 

Hackesche Höfe Kino
Rosenthaler Str. 40/41
10178 Berlin
S Hackescher Markt
U Weinmeisterstraße nThis screening is part of
May 19, 2013, 10 am – 8 pm Screenings
Hackesche Höfe Kino in cooperation with AfricAvenirnMay 20-21Ballhaus NaunynstraßeNaunynstrße 27
Berlin Kreuzbergn10 am – 5 pm Roundtable
Free and open to the public
May 20-22n8 – 10 pm Performances
14/8 €
Jeannette Ehlers, Teresa María Díaz Nerio, Quinsy Gario + Muna Shirwa, Raúl Moarquech Ferrera Balanquet and Ingrid Mwangi Robert HutternArtwell Cain (Netherlands+St. Vincent) + Vaginal Davis (Germany+USA) + Teresa María Díaz Nerio (Netherlands+Dominican Republic) + Gabriele Dietze (Germany) + Simmi Dullay (South Africa+Denmark) + Moritz Ege (Germany) + Jeannette Ehlers (Denmark+Trinidad) + Jihan El Tahri (Egypt+South Africa+France) + Cecilia Gärding (Sweden+South Africa) + Quinsy Gario (Netherlands+Curazao) + Adler Guerrier (USA+Haiti) + Neil Kenlock (England + Jamaica) + Grada Kilomba (São Tomé e Príncipe+Germany+Portugal) + Adetoun Küppers-Adebisi (Germany+Nigeria) + Raúl Moarquech Ferrera Balanquet (Cuba+Mexico+USA) + Karen McKinnon (England + USA) + Mekonnen Mesghena (Germany + Ethiopia) + Dannys Montes de Oca (Cuba) + Ingrid Mwangi Robert Hutter (Germany+Kenya) + Pascale Obolo (France+Cameroon) + Horace Ové (England+Trinidad) + Muna Shirwa (Netherlands+ Somalia) + Robbie Shilliam (England) + Ovidiu Tichindeleanu (Rumania) + Caecilia Tripp (France+Germany) + Rolando Vázquez (Netherlands+Mexico)


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