Closing Conference „Paradoxes of Sustainability – how to realize a global and equitable energy transition?“, 29th to 30th November 2013, Galerie Listros

From 29-30 November 2013 AfricAvenir, in cooperation with PowerShift e.V. invites you to its conference on the topic “Paradoxes of Sustainability – How to realize a global and equitable energy transition”. nAllan Kalangi, Manager of the Sustainability School Programme at the National Association of Professional Environmentalists (NAPE) and Alpha O. Kaloga (Germanwatch) will discuss with Sebastian Rötters (PowerShift e.V.) and Dr. Stefan Taschner (Berlin Roundtable on Energy “Berliner Energietisch”) the possibilities of networking and exchange between activists in the energy policy sector in Berlin and Germany with initiatives in Africa: What links the Berlin Roundtable on Energy (“Berliner Energietisch”) to a geothermal power project in Western Uganda? How do African activists react to the ongoing sellout of their region through coal, gas and uranium exploitation? Is decentralized energy supply a guarantee for a successful energy transition? How can social movements and fights for energy and climate justice in the global South and North learn from each other and exchange their experiences?nIn his keynote speech, Kalangi will discuss the question of „Sustainable Development“ from an African perspective. Based on his work with different communities in Uganda he will present the energy supply system in Uganda and its challenges caused by climate change and lack of access to (clean) energy. He discusses the relation between the state´s energy policy to promote renewable energies like for example in the geothermal project in Katwe (Western Uganda) and civil society´s initiatives. How does the Ugandan civil society define “sustainable development” and energy supply? How can one reconcile sustainable development with the ongoing plans of East African governments to invest in oil-, gas- and uranium exploitation? nAfter the discussions and conferences on the question „How socially equitable are `green` technologies really?” since 2012, this closing conference of the project “Paradoxes of Sustainability” will present the recommendations for action developed throughout the project as well as already give an outlook on the discussion about sustainable development in the discussion about the post-2015 Agenda.nIn Berlin, the referendum to create a municipal energy supplier unfortunately just failed. However, the discussion about sustainable development stresses clearly that it is not only the energy supply in the global South which has to be “developed”, but that we need worldwide transformation processes. What can Berlin learn from activists from Africa and how could we strengthen common positions?n__________________________

nFriday, 29.11.2013n5:00pm    Registrationn5:30pm    Welcoming and introduction to the programn6:00pm    World Cafén7:00pm    “For the sake of Development – Paradoxes of Sustainability. An Ugandan Perspective”, Keynote Speech, Allan Kalangi, National Association of Professional Environmentalists (NAPE), Uganda
Q&An08:30pm    Dinnern09:00pm    Film
nInformal discussionsn__________________________nSaturday, 30.11.2013n09:00am    Introduction and Welcomingn09:15am    „Decentralized energy supply as a precursor of the energy transition? – Perspectives from Berlin and Africa in comparison”nShort inputs on:n

  • "Small is beautiful?! – Decentralized energy supply in Uganda“
    Allan Kalangi (NAPE, Uganda)


  • "To pull Vattenfall´s plug – Fights for a municipal energy supplier in Berlin”
    Dr. Stefan Taschner (Berliner Energietisch)


  • "Energy transition in climate change“
    Alpha O. Kaloga (Germanwatch)


  • "Decentralized and without coal – conditions for a real energy transition”
    Sebastian Rötters (PowerShift e.V.)

n10:30am    Workshop I „Sustainable Development after 2015 – what does it mean for Berlin & Africa?“ with Alpha O. Kaloga (t.b.c.) & Sebastian Rötters     nWorkshop II “Energy transition consistently realized in North & South – how can we connect?” with Allan Kalangi & Dr. Stefan Taschner
(integrated coffee break)n11:30am    poster presentation of the workshop outcomen12:00am    Lunch breakn12:30am    Going together to the demonstration „Sun and wind instead of fracking, coal and nuclear power!” conference will be held in English.

Galerie Listros
Kurfürstenstr. 33
10785 Berlin-Mitte
U 1 Kurfürstenstraße

Usha Ziegelmayergro.rinevacirfa@reyamlegeiz.uTel: +49 (0)30-26934764
Mob: +49 (0)157-75364539

Marion Davenasgro.rinevacirfa@sanevad.m

Participation fee
20 €
15,-€ concessions
Lunch and Dinner included

Please transfer your fee to:
AfricAvenir International e.V.
Badische Beamtenbank
BLZ 66 09 08 00
Kto. 00 16 72 13 03
„Your name + Conference Paradoxes 2013“

The 2012/13 project of PARADOXES OF SUSTAINABILTY is financially supported by BMZ and the LEZ.
This conference takes place in cooperation with Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation and PowerShift e.V.


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