Discussion between Hama Tuma (Ethiopia), Euphrase Kezilahabi (Tanzania) and Maureen Maisha Eggers (Germany/Kenya): „Revolutionizing the Colonial Mind through Politics of Language from the East African Context“ on Tuesday, 5 June 2012, 20h, GLS Sprachenzent

On Tuesday, 5 June 2012 at 20.00 h (please note the time change!) AfricAvenir invites to a Discussion between Ethiopian writer and activist Hama TumaTanzanian writer and philosopher Euphrase Kezilahabi and writer and academic Maureen Maisha Eggers (Germany/Kenya) on “Revolutionizing the Colonial Mind through Politics of Language from the East African Context” at GLS Sprachenzentrum. The main focus of this conversation is on the conditions of speech and its colonial baggage in African contexts. The analysis of the colonial state-of-mind will be discussed from a perspective informed by practices of speech in, from and around East African Communities. The impact of colonial languages on language politics, orality versus literality, the radio as a medium of officious or subversive speech, are all relevant dimensions of this discussion. What strategies of decolonizing Speech already exist in (post-) colonial contexts and which are imaginable? How can modes of speech be adapted to create spaces for communication, which can in turn become liberated spaces? This discussion will also be an opportunity to engage with Critical Thought of a poetic formation.

In cooperation with Poesie Festival Berlin, Initiative Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland, Adefra – Schwarze Frauen in Deutschland, Jozi.tv and AFROTAK TV Cybernomads.

Euphrase Kezilahabi 
Born in 1944 in Namagondo, Euphrase Kezilahabi is a poet, novelist, and scholar and perhaps the most widely known and acknowledged contemporary Swahili author. He was one of the first African writers to publish a collection of free verse poetry in Swahili – creating a fiery debate as conservationists and modernists argued over whether free verse poetry can be called Swahili poetry – and has had a great impact on the development of the genre of the novel in Swahili. Important themes in Kezilahabi’s poetry are death, life, existence, silence, and time. Kezilahabi’s literature is also significant for the way it discusses philosophical ideas and conveys philosophy through fiction. Presently Kezilahabi is working as professor of African literature at the University of Botswana.http://www.poetrytranslation.org/poets/Euphrase_Kezilahabi 

Hama Tuma
Hama Tuma is an Ethiopian writer (born in Addis Ababa, May 1949) who actually does not define himself primarily as a writer. A political activist since the 1960s he has been in the midst of the Ethiopian struggle for democracy. This commitment has made him persona-non-grata by three successive Ethiopian regimes. Hama has lived in the Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, etc and Europe. He has a wife and a daughter and has worked as a journalist for several newspapers. He has published numerous political articles, satirical articles in both English and Amharic. Some of Hama’s books have been translated to Italian, French and Hebrew. Hama continues to write and to be an activist in the struggle for democracy in Ethiopia, Africa and elsewhere.http://www.hamatuma.com/articles.htm  

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Maureen Maisha Eggers
Born in Kisumu, Kenya in 1973, Maureen Maisha Eggers is educationalist (Diplom-Pädagogin, Diplom-Sozialpädagogin), Gender Theorist and author. Maureen Maisha Eggers researches and writes about racialisation processes and e-learning. She regularly teaches at the Humboldt University in Berlin since 2005 and since 2008 she is a professor for Childhood and Difference ((Diversity Studies) at the University of Magdeburg-Stendal.

Dialogue Forum with Hama Tuma and Euphrase Kezilahabi
“Revolutionizing the Colonial Mind: Through Politics of Language” 
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Maureen Maisha Eggers
Tuesday, 5 June 2012, 20.00 h
Entrance: Donation

GLS Sprachenzentrum, Lounge
Kastanienallee 82 
10435 Berlin Prenzlauer Berg

U 2 Eberswalder Str.
U 8 Rosenthaler Platz
M1 Schwedter Str.


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