« For a better world! » – Exhibition about the world social forum 2011 in Dakar, 16.12.2011, Centre Amadou Malick Gaye, Dakar, Senegal

After its premiere in June 2011 in Berlin, the exhibition “For a better world” returns to its place of origin – to Dakar. From 16th December 2011 onwards “For a better world!”, curated by Dr. Youma Fall and featuring the young artists Mohamed Mansaré, Adiouma Ndiaye, Fary Sakho, Mame Abdou Thiouf will be shown in Centre Amadou Malick Gaye, the head office of the World Social Forum´s committee 2011. nIn Cooperation with Rosa Luxemburg Foundation AfricAvenir International presents the perspectives of four young Senegalese artists on the the WSF in Dakar in February 2011. Almost one year after the forum, we invite you to reflect on this mega-event and to evaluate its results.nThe vernissage in presence of the artists and the curator Dr. Youma Fall, an evening of theatre of the oppressed with the Senegalese NGO “Kaddu Yaraax” and a dialogue forum with prominent activists and experts of the WSF will give us the opportunity to discuss artistic and scientific points of view on the forum in Dakar and on social movements in Africa in general.

16.12. – 30.12.2011 at Centre Ahmadou Malick Gaye (Bopp)
04.01. – 18.01.2012 at Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (Point E)

  • 16.12.2011, 17h : Vernissage in presence oft he artists and the curator (Bopp)
  • 22.12.2011, 17h : Theatre oft he oppressed with « Kaddu Yaraax » (Bopp)
  • 04.01.2012, 19h : Dialogforum « 1 year after the forum – where are we now ? » with Tidiane Kassé (Pambazuka) & Demba Moussa Dembele

nn|+| Download FlyernThe exposition will be opened from 17th to 22nd, December 2011 Monday to Friday from 11 am to 6 pm, at Centre Ahmadou Malick Gaye and from 26th December to 18th January 2012, same opening hours at Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.nAdresses :n

  • Centre Ahmadou Malick Gaye – ex-Centre de Bopp, Rue Ahmadou Malick Gaye, Bopp
  • Fondation Rosa Luxemburg, Rue C, Villa N°11/A- Point E

nContact : gro.rinevacirfa@hamajda.u www.rosalux.sn                                  nwww.africavenir.org


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