German Premiere: “Président Dia & Mère-Bi“ with director Ousmane William Mbaye in Attendance, Sunday, 6 April 2014, 17h30, Hackesche Höfe Cinema

On the occasion of Senegal’s Independence Day and in presence of director Ousmane William Mbaye AfricAvenir and Sunugaal invite you to the German Premiere of the award winning documentaries “Président Dia” and “Mère-Bi” (both original with German subtitles) on Sunday, 6 April 2014 at 17h30 at Hackesche Höfe Cinema. From a very personal perspective William Mbaye examines a still much neglected and hence little known key period in the recent history of his country: the independence period. His today 87 year old mother, first academically trained female journalist of the country and influential witness, in her self-ironic and very entertaining way immerses us into this era in which everything seemed possible and yet, the opportunities for real emancipation were missed. The political dispute of 1962 opposing President Senghor and the President of the Council of Ministers, Mamadou Dia, illustrate what was at stake regarding economic policy and what battles were fought behind the scenes of the presumably so “peaceful” independences in “francophone” Afrika.
Following the screening there will be a public discussion with director Ousmane William Mbaye and producer Laurence Attali as well as a reception with Senegalese finger food in the foyer.

With financial support from Engagement Global from funds by the German Ministry of Cooperation (BMZ), Brot für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst, Humboldt University, Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation and in cooperation with Africiné, Allacine, SEV Magazine, Club der Freunde von RFI, Berline Poche,, Exberliner, radio, Art labour Archives, Initiative Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland (ISD), Berlinda, Zentrum Moderner Orient, C& and Planète Métis.

AfricAvenir has produced the German subtitles of Mère-Bi and holds the public screening rights to both President Dia and Mère-Bi. To publicly screens these films in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, please contact us at: gro.rinevacirfa@ofniMère-Bi (My mother)
Senegal, 2008, 54 min., French/Wolof with German subtitles
D Ousmane William Mbaye

In this award winning documentary director Ousmane William Mbaye portrays his mother, Annette Mbaye d’Erneville, the first academically trained Senegalese female journalist. At once activist, artist and non-conformist thinker she already fought for the emancipation of Senegalese women at the time of independence and considerably shaped the Senegal’spublic life through her columns and her personality. Mbaye filmed his mother during 14 years on every occasion so that after a while even she didn’t notice the camera anymore. The result is not only a declaration of love from a son to his mother but also an intimate portrait of the today 87 year old lady who lost no inch of her vitality, her self-mocking humor and her non-conformist self-esteem. 

The example Annette Mbaye d’Erneville illustrates the zeitgeist and philosophical basis of independence, the stance of an entire generation and especially of women who fought on all fronts.” Olivier Barlet, Africultures

Président Dia
Senegal, 2012, 54 min., French/Wolof with German subtitles
D Ousmane William Mbaye

On 17 December 1962, Mamadou Dia, President of the Senegalese Council of Ministers, is arrested and together with four of his closest ministers sentenced to perpetual imprisonment. After having been inseparable and gone all the steps towards independence together,  Senghor now accuses Dia of having planned a coup against him. The following day the constitution is changed and the parliamentarian system de facto turns into a presidential system which allocates all powers to the president. In 2012, 50 years later, while the election campaign shakes the nation and democratic values are at stake, witnesses and protagonists of the 1962 crisis finally take a stand on these fundamental events in recent Senegalese history.

Fascinating (…) a valuable analysis of Senegalese history and much more: an honest and sensible way to illuminate the past in order to understand the presence.” Oliver Barlet, Africultures

Ousmane William Mbaye
Born 1952 in Paris, Oumane William Mbaye grows up in Djourbel. In 1972 he moves to Paris to study at the Conservatoire Libre du Cinéma Francais and at the University de Paris VIII Vincennes. He makes his first directing experiences as assistant of the Senegalese directors Ben Djogueye Beye (“Les princes noirs de Saint-Germain-des-Prés") and Sembène Ousmane ("Ceddo"). “L’enfant de Ngatch” (1979), his first short film is awarded the bronze Tanit at the film festival in Karthago. Besides numerous co-productions with his friends Samba Félix N’Diaye, Amet Diallo and Cheikh Ngaïdo Bâ he makes his own movies: "Pain sec" (1981), "Dakar Clando" (1989), "Dial Diali et Fresque" (1992), "Xalima la plume" (2003), "Fer et Verre" (2005) and "Mère-Bi" (2008). For his most recent documentary "Président Dia" Mbaye received amongst others the golden Tanit in Karthago 2012.
Laurence Attali
Born in France, Laurence Attali is since her early childhood fascinated by cinema. However, she decides to study philosophy. On a mission for the Institut Natinal de l’Audiovisuel (INA) she travels for the first time to Senegal in 1993, a country that since has not loosened its grip on her. Ever since Senegal, in her words, “adopted” her as she acquired Senegalese citizenship in 2004. Senegal is the centre of her life and the country where she produces most of her films, for example Mourtala Diop voyageur de l’art (1993), Sénégalais, Sénégalaises (1994), Regarde Amet (1995), Petit Pays, Desenrasca (1997), Même le vent (1999), Moustapha Dimé 93/94 (1999), Baobab (2000), Le Déchaussé (2003) and Le temps d’un film (2007).

Président Dia & Mère-Bi (My Mother)
Documentaries, Senegal / France, 2008/2012, 54 min, original with German subtitles
D Ousmane William Mbaye
Sunday, 6 April 2014
5:30 pm
Admission: 7,50€
Reduced: Berlinpass, collective tickets for 5 or 10 visits can be used by two,
Gildepass, Heavy User Card

Hackesche Höfe Kino
Rosenthaler Str. 40/41
10178 Berlin
S Hackescher Markt
U Weinmeisterstraße
Tickets & Information
030 283 46 
For further


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