In Cooperation: ARTension: Straigth forward with… Doug Fishbone! Screening von „Elmina“: West African Cinema of a Special Kind, SAVVY Contemporary, 30 April, 7 pm

On Monday, 30 April 2012 at 7 pm, Savvy Contemporary invites to "ARTension: Straight forward with… Doug Fishbone", a Screening of the Ghanaian film "Elmina" followed by a and discussion. AfricAvenir is a media partner of this event.nUnder false pretences, the local chief of Elmina wants to convince the resident farmers to sell their land to some Chinese oil investors. One of the farmers, Ato Blankson (Doug Fishbone), suborns the others to offer resistance – and finds himself getting entangled in even several intrigues. Fishbone not only acts, but is also the initiator of this “action melodrama”, that boasts an array of Ghanaian film stars. He turns his leading part into an artistic intervention that is worth a debate. Doug Fishbone, born in the USA in 1 969, is a video, performance, and installation artist. He earned a Masters Degree in Fine Arts from Goldsmiths College, London. Since 1 998 he has realised solo projects and exhibitions in
Ecuador, New York, London, and Copenhagen among others, as well as numerous group exhibitions. In 2004 he made an installation using 30000 bananas on Trafalgar square. He performs satirical monologues, along with which he shows videos and images taken from the internet. His works have been shown, inter alia, in ZKM Karlsruhe, Tate Britain, Kunsthaus Graz, Rokeby Gallery, Busan Biennale South Korea, and Hayward Gallery London. Doug Fishbone lives and works in London. nARTension: Straight forward with… Doug Fishbone
 Film screening and discussion
nMonday, April 30th 201 2, 7pm
 SAVVY Contemporary

 1 2055 Berlin
 www.savvy-contemporary.comnModeration: Ariane Rutz
 Press Contact: Claudia
 Lamas Cornejo I
 Photos by Thierry Bal
 © D. FishbonenElmina (2010)
1 05min, OV (English; Ghanaian with English subtitles)
 Admission is free, donations welcome I Der Eintritt ist frei, Spende erbeten
 Elmina: West African Cinema of a Special Kind


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