In Cooperation: CONTEMPORARY AND (C&) – A platform for international art from African perspectives. Launch Party, 22 February 2013, Roter Salon, Volksbühne

Save the Date: On Friday, 22 February 2013 the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen invites you to the Launch Party of CONTEMPORARY AND (C&) – A platform for international art from African perspectives with South African DJs Lakuti (Uzuri, Süd Electronic) and Rushmo, at Roter Salon, Volksbühne, Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Berlin.

Contemporary And (C&) is an international online platform for diverse and critical insights into, and perspectives on, contemporary African art. The project is initiated and published by the German „Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen“ – ifa (Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations). C& gives established and emerging artists, curators, art critics and other cultural producers from Africa and the diaspora the opportunity to reach an international audience and expand their networks.

C& is edited by a team of art critics and other cross-cultural writers and cultural producers, all of whom have close connections to Africa and the diaspora. Editor-in-chief is the journalist and art historian Julia Grosse; coordinator is the cultural scholar and producer Aicha Diallo. The advisory board expands the platform’s range and includes architect David AdjayeClémentine Deliss, director of Weltkulturen Museum in Frankfurt am Main, curator Christine Eyene, and Bisi Silva, director of CCA Lagos.

C& will publish articles in English, French, and German. The website will offer a lively magazine with critical essays, columns, and reviews. The first edition will feature interviews with Yinka Shonibare and Dineo Seshee Bopape, as well as writing by authors Sean O’Toole and Caine Prizewinner Olufemi Terry. Numerous other contributors will broaden the scope of the magazine’s focus and inform readers about important new publications, current exhibitions, art venues, symposia, and biennials in Africa and beyond. A reoccurring emphasis will consist in looking back at historically important exhibitions, biennials, workshops, as well as important African artists and collectives.

C& will also include an ART SPACE, avirtual room where artists and curators can meet and realize projects and exhibitions together. C&ART SPACE wants to create opportunities for interaction beyond borders and mobility limitations.

Come, dance and celebrate the launch of Contemporary And with us on February 22. Details to follow.nThe case of missing fish, 2012, Öl auf Leinwand, 150 x 200 cm,
© Misheck Masamvu und Galerie Francoise Heitsch

For further information, please feel free to contact

Markus Müller
Bureau Mueller
AlteSchönhauser Str. 35
10119 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0) 30 20188432
E-mail: moc.relleumuaerub@mm 

C& is an Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa) project.

C& is supported by the german Federal Foreign Office through “Aktion Afrika”.


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