Ismailia International Film Festival for Documentary and Short Films, 15th Edition June 23-28, 2012, Official partner AfricAvenir attending

The Ismailia International Festival for Documentary and Short Films is due to start with its 15th edition, taking place from 23-28 of June in the city of Ismailia, Egypt. AfricAvenir’s Augetto Graig and Hans-Christian Mahnke will be attending.

Known in Egypt as "The City of Beauty and Enchantment" Ismailia is situated on the west bank of the Suez Canal. It was founded in 1863, during the construction of the Suez Canal, by Khedive Ismail the Magnificent, after whom the city is named. The head office of the Suez Canal Authority is located in Ismaïlia at the shore of Lake Timsah. It still has a large number of buildings dating from British and French involvement with the Canal. Most of these buildings are still used by Canal employees and officials.nThe Muslim Brotherhood was founded in Ismailia by Hassan al-Banna in March 1928. An underground paramilitary wing was established in the 1940s, primarily to fight British occupation forces. In the early 1950s, Ismailia hosted the British Military HQ and the Civilian Administration Centre of the Canal Zone. British suppression of an uprising by rebellious Egyptian police there on 25 January 1952 was a key event leading to the overthrow of King Farouk I later that year and the Egyptian Revolution that followed. British forces pulled out of Ismailia in 1954.

The festival has given itself the mission to promote an intercultural dialogue for a deeper understanding of others by presenting their creative works to the audience and to encourage filmmakers of documentary and short films. nOrganizers of the festival are the Egyptian Ministry of Culture, Ismailia Governorate, and the Egyptian Film Centre, while the president of the Egyptian Film Centre is also the president of the film festival.

The categories in competition are Long Documentary (min. 60 min.), Short Documentary (max. 60 min), Short Film (max 60 min), and Animation Film. All 1st prizes will receive a 3000,- USD reward, while the second winner in each category will receive 2000,- USD. nUnder the themes “Cinema Renaissance”, “Revolution as seen by the Other”, and “Women in Revolution”, the festival is going to screen films from 38 different countries. From the more than 100 films, 23 Egyptian films will be presented, as well as altogether 28 African films, and 45 films which fall within the “Arab cinema”. A concurrent theme of the selected films is the Egyptian revolution and the Arab Spring in general. Furthermore the festival will present a special section on classic Egyptian documentaries and short films labelled “Egyptian Nostalgia”. nBesides some special screenings, the festival will also pay tribute to the late Salah Maraey, film art director and former festival director. Adding to this, the festival organizes encounters and debates between filmmakers and the audience, journalists and professionals. In addition the festival organizes film workshops in collaboration with other film festivals and professionals that provide opportunities for young filmmakers to advance their experience and knowledge. nThe Egyptian Embassy in Windhoek and AfricAvenir are proud to announce, that Hans-Christian Mahnke, director, and Augetto Graig, board member of the Namibian section of AfricAvenir, have been invited to attend the festival. AfricAvenir is official partner to the festival.

For further information please see the website: Inquiries: Hans-Christian Mahnke, Cell: 085-5630949, Email: moc.liamelgoog@khw.rinevacirfa 


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