Learn African Music with the Queen of the Mbira, Stella Rambisai Chiweshe at Global Music Academy (GMA) – Demo-Performance on Tuesday, 29.5.2012

Learning African music in an intimate and encouraging environment was never so easy! The Queen of the Mbira, Stella Rambisai Chiweshe, is now offering mbira classes in the Global Music BoxX (Global Music Academy, bergmannstr. 29, 10961 Berlin). Take this unique opportunity to learn from one of the acknowledged masters of the mbira, Stella Chiweshe, from Zimbabwe. Her fresh approach to teaching the instrument will inspire you. Stella teaches in groups and you can acquire an instrument directly from her.

Stella was the first female artist to make a name for herself in a music tradition dominated by men and set an example for all the female musicians who followed. Over the years she has established herself as one of the most original artists on the contemporary African music scene. The depth and power of her mbira playing has turned her into an international star both at home and abroad. Stella also created a unique fusion of the mbira, marimba and guitars. As one of Zimbabwe’s foremost cultural ambassadors she has toured all over the world since 1983, releasing nine albums in the process. A song from her 1993 album – Kumusha, won the Billboard Music Performance Award for the World Music Album of the year. She was awarded an honorary Master of Arts degree by the University of Zimbabwe in 2003 in recognition of her contribution to music in Zimbabwe. nRegister online under: www.global-music-academy.net via global music boxX online registration.nStella Chiweshe will do a Demo-Performance on Tuesday, 29 May 2012 at Humboldt University, Institute for African Studies, between 14-16 h, Room 410, 4th Floor, Invalidenstr. 118, Berlin. All are welcome.


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