Nouvelles acquisitions de la Bibliothèque Cheikh Anta Diop

Ci-dessous, vous trouverez une liste des dernières acquisistions de la bibliothèque Cheikh Anta Diop.Par exemple, l’autobiographie de Michelle Obama, une analyse d’Alec Russel sur l’Afrique du Sud post-Mandela, les défis de l’Afrique selon Wangari Maathai etc.n

  • Michelle OBAMA de Michelle OBAMA.

nExtraits de la 4e de couverture :
“The only difference between me and every other woman that I know is that my challenges are publicized, and I’m doing this juggling in front of cameras”n

  • After Mandela, The Battle for the soul of South Africa,  de Alec RUSSEL

nExtraits de la 4e de couverture :
“ Yet while the economy has grown steadily, as has a fledgling black middle class, and black South Africans have attained positions of great wealth and power, rampant inequality still remain. Violence is endemic in the townships and in the major cities.”n

  • The challenge for Africa,  de Wangari MAATHAI (lauréate du Prix Nobel de la Paix)

nExtraits de la 4e de couverture :
“Wangari Maathai’s memoir is direct, honest and beautifully written – a gripping account of modern Africa’s trials and triumphs, a universal story of courage, persistence, and success against great odds in a noble cause.                                                                    
Bill Clinton”n

  • Making globalization work, de Joseph STIGLITZ

nExtraits de la 4e de couverture :
“In Globalization and its Discontents Joseph Stiglitz changed the views of the public and world leaders alike by showing why globalization doesn’t work for the world’s poor. Now he shows us how it can – and must.”


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