On Thomas Sankara’s 65th Birthday: „Your Ideas Live On“

Today, the 21st of december 2014, Sankara would have turned 65 years old. For this reason, the Balai Citoyen has invited for a ceremony on the cemetery in Dagnoen, where his remains are assumed to rest (an investigation about the real whereabouts of his body, which has been claimed for years, is pending, if we can believe the government of transition). Maître Sankara, the lawyer of the Sankara family, together with Sams’K le Jah and Smockey symbolically laid down brooms on Sankara’s supposed graveyard, as well as on the graves of his companions who were murdered with him on the 15 October 1987. nThe recent popular uprising in Burkina Faso and Sankara’s omnipresence among the crowd demonstratzes that he was right when he said: "You can kill a man, but you cannot kill ideas". Keep updated with the most recent news from Burkina and the continued efforts in elucidating Sankara’s murder on the Facebookseite "Thomas Sankara lebt – Thomas Sankara is alive".


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