One-day workshop with Aziz Fall: Thomas Sankara – life, vision and international struggle against impunity, Sat, 3.11.2012, 10:00-17:00, GLS Sprachenzentrum

On Saturday 3 November 2012 from 10:00-17:00 AfricAvenir invites you to a workshop with political scientist Aziz Salmone Fall on the topic “Thomas Sankara – life, vision and the international struggle against impunity” at the GLS Sprachenzentrum.  The one-day workshop will be divided roughly into three parts. In the first part, participants will get to know Sankara as a person and politician. What was his background? What were his political influences and ideals? In what national and international context did he come into power on 4 August 1983? In the second part of the workshop we will deal with his socio-political, economic and cultural visions and policies. Here the focus will be on his vision for and successful realisation of an independent development of Burkina Faso and of Africa, for one, and also on his concrete pan-African politics and his call for a debt relief for African countries. Finally, in part three, we will discuss the international campaign for a legal clarification of the circumstances of his assassination. We will also debate what meaning this campaign has for Africa today in the face of widespread impunity and the selective justice of the International Criminal Court.  In this context, Aziz Fall will also introduce his concept of „Panafricentrage“.nThe workshop takes place on the occasion of the publication of a collection of speeches entitled Ndongo Samba Sylla (Ed.): "Redécouvrir Thomas Sankara – Martyre de la liberté" by Editions AfricAvenir / Exchange & Dialogue in cooperation with the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. The book will initially be published in French and includes some of Sankara’s most important speeches, as well as analyses by Samir Amin, Aziz Fall and Bruno Jaffré.nThe workshop will take place with the kind support of the Landesstelle für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Stiftung Umverteilen and the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. nPlease also consider the: |+| Book presentation and dialogue forum with Aziz Fall: Sankara – pan-African visionary in the struggle against neo-colonialism and imperialism, Thursday, 1 November 2012, 7pm, in the GLS-Sprachenzentrum as wellnAziz Salmone Fall
The Egyptian-Senegalese political scientist Aziz Salmone Fall teaches Political Science, Anthropology and International Relations at McGill University and at the University of Québec in Montreal, Canada. He describes himself as an internationalist pan-Africanist and developed the concept of „Panafricentrage“ in this context. His parents, Prof. Fawzia Abdel Aziz Mohamed and Salmone Fall, were both highly regarded pan-Africanists and helped the family of Patrice Lumumba flee to Egypt after Lumumba’s assassination. Aziz Fall was the coordinator of the anti-Apartheid network in Québec, is President of the Aubin Foundation, Head of the Ryerson Research Center and co-founder of the movement for an institutionalised dialogue among leftist forces in Senegal. He is a member of GRILA (Group for Research and Initiatives for the Liberation of Africa), in the framework of which he, together with 21 lawyers and well-known personalities, leads the first international African campaign against impunity – the International Campaign Justice for Thomas & www.azizfall.comnRegistration and participation fee:k.schroeder(at) or 030-26934764
15,00 Euro; reduced price 10,00 Euro (incl. drinks)
Please transfer the money in advance (see details below) nVenue: GLS Sprachenzentrum
Kastanienallee 82, 10435 Berlin (Prenzlauer Berg)
U 2 Eberswalder Str. / U 8 Rosenthaler Platz / M1 Schwedter Str.nPlease transfer the money in advance to:
AfricAvenir International e.V.
Badische Beamtenbank
BLZ 66 09 08 00
Kto. 00 16 72 13 03
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