Reading and conversation: Werewere-Liking Gnepo and Jimmy Hartwig, Sat 03.07.2010 | 18:30 h

Werewere Liking Gnepo, innovator of the aesthetics of ritual theater, initiates the audience into this art form with singing and theatrical games. The writer, painter and director founded in Abidjan (Ivory Coast) the artists‘ village "Ki-Yi M’Bock", whose motto is: "Knowledge that exceeds all knowledge." The project represents a movement towards a contemporary pan-African culture and internationally for the recognition of the cultures of the black world. The German translation of her stories will be read by Jimmy Hartwig, son of a GI, former Bundesliga football player (1860 Munich, HSV, Cologne) and stage actor.

Followed by a talk between Maja Braun (Deutsche Welle) and Crispin Mwakideu (puppet player from Kenya)

In Cooperation with Deutschen Welle and Heinrich Böll Stiftung.


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