Call for Submissions for the 2nd Luxor African Film Festival, March 2013

AfricAvenir is once again official partner to this truely amazing festival at the historical site of Luxor, Egypt. The festival takes place in proximity of the temples of Luxor, Karnak, and of the Lady Pharaoh Hatchepsut. Luxor is also famous for the Valley of the Kings with the grave of the Boy-King Tutenchamun. To celebrate African cinema in this magnificient surrounding accomdated with great Egyptian hospitality is a truely unique experience.nFilmmakers who attended the 1st edition of the festival in 2012, like Abderrahmane Sissako, Mama Keita, Mohammed Khan, Fanta Regina Nacro and Haile Gerima, amonst others, can attest to this.

The deadline for film submissions have been extended to 22 December 2012.
For more information, follow the link:  nFor further questions, please contact:
Azza Elhosseiny
Executive Director
Luxor African film  moc.lavitsefmlifnacirfaroxul@yniessohle.azzaTelefax: +20237622407nOffice Address:
33 Haroun St, Dokki,Cairo,


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