Clip de la „Campagne Tournons la Page“
Alliance de citoyens d’Afrique, d’Europe et d’ailleurs pour construire les conditions d’une véritable démocratie en Afriquen
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Pambazuka: A short history of the passport – Thoughts on global mobility from a critical European perspective – Aaron Scheid and Leonard Barlag
A passport seems like something natural and like an obvious necessity in the 21st century. A brief review of history, however, shows that this powerful piece of paper is a result of a rather recent development, that is closely related to colonialism and the emergence of nation states.nIn spring 2015, Senegalese author Fatou Diome, whose…
25. April 2016 -
Pambazuka: Goor Yombul, ou «un homme vaut cher» Rama Salla Dieng
Dès qu’elle entendit le mot ‘takk’, Buguma, perdit pied. ‘’Takk’’, littéralement, ‘ligoter’,‘enchainer’, ainsi que les autres termes wolof relatifs au mariage, la rebutaient. Elle avait toujours trouvé ces mots si peu poétiques et révélateurs des termes sexistes de l’institution du mariage par rapport à la jeune mariée, malgré les explications de sa mère.nSerign-Kemtaan-Men-Lep [1] se…
26. April 2016 -
Pambazuka: „Borders create misconceptions“ – Interview with Riadh Ben Ammar
The lack of freedom of movement creates as many prejudices in the Global North as in the Global South. The European project of closing down the borders ensures that ever more people migrate to the North due to a lack of alternatives. The theatre director Riadh Ben Ammar is committed to the idea of freedom…
25. April 2016