Filmmaking Workshop with Jean-Pierre Bekolo

On Saturday, 25 November 2006, AfricAvenir International e.V. invites you to an intensive one-day workshop with internationally acclaimed and award winning filmmaker Jean-Pierre Bekolo at the Werkstatt der Kulturen in Berlin.

Filmmaking Workshop with internationally acclaimed African Filmmaker Jean-Pierre Bekolo

Originally conceived for African-American students in the USA, Bekolo’s ""auteur learning"" method of instruction uses the filmmaking experience as an intellectual as well as practical approach in teaching and aims at creating a learning environment that relies on “construction” rather than classic “instruction” methods. The workshop has been conceived both for people taking first steps in filmmaking, as well as students interested in innovative and unconventional methods.

Bekolo, who has taught film at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill and Duke University, has devised his own “auteur learning” method, based on his experience challenging Hollywood’s definition of cinema as entertainment. “I don’t see a difference between film and public service,” says Bekolo. “It’s all about education. The tools are there, the interest is there, we just need to create a method of acquiring knowledge that uses what is today the most immediately accessible medium.”

Bekolo’s debut film, Quartier Mozart, received the Prix Afrique en Creation at the 1992 Cannes Film Festival. His second film, Aristotle’s Plot, was one of several films commissioned by the British Film Institute to celebrate the 100th anniversary of cinema and included works by Martin Scorsese, Jean-Luc Godard, and Bernardo Bertolucci. Bekolo recently released Les Saignantes, which will be screened Sunday 26 November 2006 at 5.15 p.m. at the Filmtheater Hackesche Höfe.

Saturday, 25th November 2006, 9 am – 5 pm
Werkstatt der Kulturen, Wissmannstr. 32, 12049 Berlin
U-Bhf. Hermannplatz U7, U8, Bus M29, M41, 171, 194, 344

Participation Fee: 15 Euro / 12 Euro (this excludes lunch and drinks)

To register, please send an email to: gro.rinevacirfa@ofni and transfer the participation fee (15€ or 12€) to the following bank account until 22.11.2006 (reference: Your Name & Film Workshop). The 22.11.2006 is also the last day for cancellation of your participation, after that date the participation fee will not be refunded. Please use the same email-address as above.

AfricAvenir International e.V.
Badische Beamtenbank
BLZ: 66090800
Kto.: 0016721303
Kennwort: Name + Teilnahmegebühr Film Workshop

IBAN: DE91660908000016721303


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