FNB Foundation offers financial support to the AfricAvenir Section in Windhoek

On Wednesday, April 10 2013, at the re-screening of “Sobukwe – A Great Soul”, Jane Katjavivi, chairperson of the FNB Foundation, handed over a cheque to the chairperson of AfricAvenir Windhoek totaling the amount of 22.275,- Nam$. The money is intended to support the monthly African film series “African Perspectives” taking place at the Goethe-Centre and the FNCC. The series has been ongoing since 2007. nAt the handing over, Mrs. Katjavivi stated: “We are providing a little over N$22,000, which will assist AfricAvenir in paying screening rights, designing posters, publicising the films to draw in audiences, etc. We believe that this will contribute to cultural exchange between Namibia and other African countries, to the telling of African stories from African perspectives. The films address topical social issues such as women’s rights, refugees, violence, racism and other forms of discrimination. Their screening therefore also contributes towards the discussion of important topics of relevance to Namibia, and the films are usually followed by a discussion.”nThe support given to AfricAvenir falls within the FNB Foundation’s focus area of support for heritage and culture. The FNB foundation, in line with the aims of AfricAvenir, hopes it will help to create a screening culture for African films that will also indirectly support the growing Namibian film industry.nFor further information contactnHans-Christian Mahnke
Tel : 0855630949gro.rinevacirfa@eknham.cnOr visit the websitenhttp://www.africavenir.org/de/projekte-namibia/african-perspectives.htmln


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