Rest in Peace, dear Neville Alexander

A friend of AfricAvenir, South African political activist and thinker, anti-Apartheid and liberation hero, a great African educationalist and linguist, Professor Neville Alexander died in Cape Town at the age of 75 on 27th of August, 2012.

Professor Alexander, a linguist by profession, had often been an AfricAvenir guest and gave presentations at our “Dialogforen” throughout the years and for more than three years AfricAvenir and PRAESA worked closely together on a project on African Languages for education. His contributions in the field of linguistics, the African Renaissance, the struggle for political and educational liberation of Africa and to a better South Africa will always be cherrished and honoured by us. He was a true emancipator and decolonizer of the mind!nFind some of his papers and presentations here:|+| The African Renaissance and the use of African Languages in Tertiary
Education|+| South Africa: An unfinished revolution?

See his biography on SAHO:|+| Neville Alexander


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