The Namibian Movie Cllection to go commercial

In 2009, the Franco Namibian Cultural Centre, Joe Vision Production, and AfricAvenir Windhoek, launched the Namibian Movie Collection, NMC, consisting initially of 24 Namibian films. The NMC is part of a wider project to promote and develop Namibian film productions. Now, 18 month later, the NMC consist of more than 40 films, available for the Namibian public to be rented out at the Multimedia Library of the FNCC.

Furthermore, the information on the films in collection is available to the international community via the website of AfricAvenir,

Recently the collection has been reproduced for the public library of the Berliner Entwicklungspolitisches Bildungs- und Informationzentrum (EPIZ, Berlin Center for Global Education) in Berlin, the Directorate of Arts of the Namibian Ministry of Youth, National Service, Sports, and Culture, as well as to the Katutura Community and Arts Centre.

The organisations have received several other international requests, to distribute the NMC on a non-commercial basis to the respective institutions.

These requests and offers will be attended to.

Nonetheless, there are also commercial requests forwarded to the organisations, and hence, the Filmmakers Association of Namibia, has been won as partner, in order to promote the work of its members, who make the majority of the films included in the NMC, and who hence benefit the most from any commercial endeavour of the NMC.

Since AfricAvenir, Joe Vision Production, and the FNCC, have entered into agreements with filmmakers on a non-commercial basis, we would like to call members of FAN and interested individuals in Namibia in general, to establish the economic aspects and potentials of the NMC, and hence, become kind of an agent for the commercial aspects of distributing the Namibian Movie Collection and Namibian films in general in Namibia and abroad.

Yours in film,

Joel Haikali                         Hans-Christian Mahnke
Joe Vision Production          AfricAvenir Windhoek


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